Monday, December 20, 2010

The power of the to-do list : How?

The question most people pose to any new concept or even if it is not new to them upon being reintroduced to it they generally like to know how this system or concept or theory will be implemented.

Now that you know exactly what the to-do list is the how can take center stage. It is as simple as I have described earlier on. Just get yourself a simple piece of paper a pencil or a pen and then you are done. You can optionally decide to write boldly on top of it as a sort of a heading “to-do list”. It is as simple as that. You now have in your hands the basic tools of warfare for tackling time and tasks.

Wait, it is not yet complete you are now half way through. To make it complete look for a place to sit and then with your to-do list in hand, start writing down the list of tasks that you will like to complete by the end of the day. You can list them just the way you want to either in the order that it comes out of your head or in the order of priority (that is the most important task first). Another way practiced is to handle the much more difficult tasks first.

Doing this at the start of your day and updating it as you go along the day will be beneficial. The tools are not limited to paper alone but any writing device can be used.

It might look like this is not enough but believe me doing this alone will quickly move you into a better position in handling tasks.

Remember, you take a piece of paper or a note book or a PDA. You find a good place to sit down and you immediately start writing down in the form a list of things that you will like to accomplish by the end of the day preferably early in the morning.

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